Call for abstracts | 11th Annual International Research Conference-Rule of Law in Context – Globalisation and Indian Resonances to Sustainable Development Goals (SYMROLIC 2023)


The 11th Annual International Research Conference-Rule of Law in Context: Globalisation and Indian Resonances to Sustainable Development Goals (SYMROLIC 2023) has been scheduled for 28 and 29 April, 2023.

It is an interdisciplinary conference which emphasizes Law & Life Interface in the spheres of Innovation, Science, Technology, Management, Human Behavior, Global Policy, Governance and Climate Change. The conference over the years has provided a strong platform to discuss, collaborate and explore diverse issues in the field of research studies. It invites some of the great minds to share and discuss their ideas on contemporary research. The conference shall be held over the span of two days, which is specially designed to discuss and deliberate on various interdisciplinary areas and core issues and suggest the way forward for the respect of Rule of Law. A special feature of the conference will be the Plenary Session and Track 4 which will focus on Legal Road to Sustainable Development Goals: Global and Indian Route and EU Climate Justice Law, Governance, Management and Policy respectively.  Besides this, the conference along with other tracks will also have a track on European Legal Studies which is part of our ongoing projects where we welcome papers relating to European Studies in Law, Management, Humanities, Science, Trade, Economics and Climate Change.

The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented wake-up call, laying bare deep inequalities and exposing precisely the failures that are addressed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. Leveraging this moment of crisis, when usual policies and social norms have been disrupted, bold steps can steer the world back on track towards the Sustainable Development Goals. This is the time for change, for a profound systemic shift to a more sustainable economy that works for both people and the planet.

The Sustainable Development Goals are vital for a recovery that leads to greener, more inclusive economies, and stronger, more resilient societies. The research conference attempts to have climate change and sustainable development as the focal point of this year’s SYMROLIC 2023 conference.

The following tracks have been identified for paper presentations (focal areas):

Main theme: Legal Road to Sustainable Development Goals: Global and Indian Route

Track 1: Law and Human Behaviour- National and International Perspectives

(Focal area – No Poverty (SDG No. 1), Zero Hunger (SDG No. 2), Good Health and Well-being (SDG No. 3), Quality Education (SDG No. 4), Gender Equality (SDG No. 5), Reduced Inequality (SDG No. 10), Legal System & Stakeholder behaviour with respect to Law and Human Behaviour, Partnerships to achieve the Goal (SDG No. 17), Peace and Justice, Protecting People, Prosperity, Peace, SDG Lawyering and reforms)

Track 2: Business, Trade, Commerce, Management and Law

(Focal area – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG No. 9), Business, Global Climate change and Sustainable Development, E-Commerce, Legal Aspects of Business, Taxation, Insider Trading, Mergers and Acquisitions, Insolvency Law, SDG Lawyering and reforms)

Track 3: International Law, Policy and Governance

(Focal area – Climate Change, International Migration, Global inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG No. 11), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG No. 12), Disadvantaged Groups, Criminal Justice, Legal Empowerment, SDG Lawyering and reforms)

Track 4: EU Climate Justice Law, Governance, Management and Policy

(Focal area- Climate Change, Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG No. 6), Climate Action (SDG No. 13), Cascading to Community, Corporate Compliances, SDG Lawyering and reforms)

Track 5: Innovation, Science, Technology and Law

(Focal area- Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG No. 7), AI, Healthcare, Data Science, Law Tech, 21st Teach Skills, Green Technology, Alternative Energy, IT Law, Cyber Forensics, Data Protection, Blockchain, Digital Currency, IOT, Cloud Computing, Laws pertaining to Fake News, IP Laws, AI and IP, Patenting Nanotechnology, Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity, SDG Lawyering and reforms)

Track 6: Public Law, Society and Governance

(Focal area- Decent Work and Economic Growth Role of State (SDG No. 8), Public Health, Constitutionalism, Governance and Environment, Life Below Water (SDG No. 14), Life on Land (SDG No. 15), Peace and Justice Strong Institutions (SDG No. 16), Dispute Resolution, Mental Health Law, Access to medicine, Patient’s rights, Food Security, Poverty, Conserving the Earth, SDG Lawyering and reforms)


The details of the conference, abstract, and paper submission (along with the important dates) are available on our website – www.symrolic.comThe last date of abstract submission is March 12, 2023.  All submissions (abstract/ paper) must be made to


This year, the International Conference will be held in a hybrid format. The important dates regarding the conference are as follows:

  1. Last date for Submission of Abstract- 12 March 2023 (Friday 11:59 PM IST)
  2. Communication for Acceptance/ Rejection of abstracts and confirmation of paper presentation- 15 March 2023 (Monday)
  3. Last date for full paper submission- 05 April  2023 (Thursday 11:59 PM IST)
  4. Date of Conference- 28 and 29 April 2023 (Friday- Saturday)


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