Call for Applications – Book Review Editor for LPICT

The Law and Practice of International Courts & Tribunals (LPICT) is adding a book review section to its regular offerings of high-level scholarly articles and legal development columns. For this purpose, we are currently looking for a Book Review Editor with at least 3 years of post- PhD experience (or equivalent) and, preferably, with previous editorial expertise. Women and non-Western scholars are particularly encouraged to apply.
The Book Review Editor will be asked to evaluate incoming book reviews, as well as to identify recently published titles suitable for review and suitable reviewers. The Book Review Editor will work closely with the co-Editors-in-Chief (Prof. Régis Bismuth and Prof. Freya Baetens) and be asked to make a commitment for a term of 3 years (renewable). The position is unpaid.
Interested candidates are kindly invited to send a motivation letter, CV and list of publications to the co-Editors-in-Chief ( and by 31 May 2020 (with ‘LPICT Book Review Editor Application’ as email subject).
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of the selection process in June 2020. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an online interview. The appointed Book Review Editor will be expected to start in July 2020.​​​​