Call for Papers | Austrian Review of International and European Law (ARIEL)


The Austrian Review of International and European Law (ARIEL) has issued a Call for Papers and invites all interested persons to submit contributions for volume 26 (2021) of the ARIEL.

The ARIEL is an annual publication that provides a scholarly forum to discuss issues of public international law and European law, with particular emphasis on topics being of special interest to Austria, and welcomes both longer analytical articles (8,000-12,500 words) and shorter notes on current developments (6,000-8,000 words).

This issue will be dedicated to the changing structures of international investment and trade law. Potential topics might include the reform of investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms, the modernization of investment and trade agreements, WTO reforms and adaptions, the question of SDG-alignment or – more generally – the emergence of new values and norms and their role in investment or trade law, or new trends in case law.

Submissions should include a confirmation of exclusive submission and be sent to the managing editor by 1 March 2022.