Call for Papers – ESIL IG on International Environmental Law


The ESIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law will host a pre-conference workshop on “Solidarity In The Context Of Natural Resources Management” at the 2020 ESIL Research Forum, University of Catania. The event which will take place on Thursday 23 April 2020.
The IG on International Environmental Law invites contributions addressing the notion of solidarity in the context of natural resources management, contributions seeking to reconceptualize PSNR in the context of globalization and trade/environmental related international obligations, as well as contributions addressing SDG 7 goal to ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services by 2030.
The IG on International Environmental Law invites contributions addressing the concept of the energy solidarity established by the Lisbon Treaty, the OPAL decision as well as the potential implications of the OPAL for the Energy Union.
• Energy solidarity in the context of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
• Energy solidarity in the context of the European Union and its energy
and climate policy
• Sustainable energy for all
• The OPAL decision
• Energy solidarity at the international level
• The sharing of transboundary natural resources
• Legal regimes governing utilization of natural resources beyond
national jurisdictions
• The concept of solidarity in the context of the UNCLOS and Deepsea
• The concept of solidarity in the context of the Moon Agreement
• PSNR in the context of international trade law
• PSNR in the context of international environmental law
CALL FOR PAPERS (now closed)