Call for Papers: EU policy on international investments: uncertainties, challenges, and opportunities

The internal conference: “EU Policy on International Investments: Uncertainties, Challenges and Opportunities” will take place on the 20th and 21st March 2017 at the
University of Zaragoza Law School (Spain).

The conference focuses on the many legal issues that have arisen following the inclusion of foreign direct investment in Article 207 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Among
the topics to be addressed at the conference are: the controversial nature of EU competence on commercial policy; the impact that the exercising of this competence through the creation of an investment court may have on the principle of autonomy of EU law and the ECJ’s exclusive jurisdiction in the area; the financial responsibility linked to investor-to-state dispute settlement tribunals established by international agreements to which the European Union is party; the EU proposal to create a multilateral investment court; recent legal developments regarding CETA, the future of TTIP and other negotiations in which the EU is currently immersed, and the important role played by civil society in these matters.
Academics and practitioners at all stages of their careers are invited to participate, including pre- and post-doctoral students. Extended abstracts of a minimum of 600 words and unpublished full
papers with the author’s name, affiliation and an updated CV including contact details should be submitted to the conference director (
All submissions and complete papers may be written either in English or in Spanish.
Deadline for submission: 31 December 2016