Call for Papers | IG on International Law and Technology Workshop and Agora Panel Proposal (2024 ESIL Annual Conference in Vilnius)

The ESIL Interest Group on International Law and Technology is organising a workshop in the context of the 2024 ESIL Annual Conference in Vilnius on the topic: “When Renewal Repeats: The Dis/Continuities of International Law and Technology”.
In addition to the pre-conference Workshop, the ESIL Interest Group on International Law and Technology will also be submitting an Agora panel proposal around the same theme. The submitted abstracts will be considered for the Agora and the Workshop. The selected abstracts for the Agora will be notified and will be included in the Agora proposal. In the event that the IG Agora panel proposal is not selected by the ESIL programme committee, authors will have the opportunity to present their papers at the pre-conference Workshop.
You will find here the call for papers, which includes further details on the theme, the selection criteria and the submission guidelines.
The deadline for submissions is 23 January 2024.