Call for Papers: ‘International Law’s Objects. Emergence, Encounter and Erasure through Object and Image’

International Law’s Objects:
Emergence, Encounter and Erasure through Object and Image

Dr. Jessie Hohmann and Dr. Daniel Joyce, the editors, invite proposals for contributions to an edited book on International Law’s Objects: Emergence, Encounter and Erasure through Object and Image. Proposals for chapters should be kept to a maximum of 700 words, keeping in mind the final contributions are to be no more than 4000 words.

Proposals should be submitted, by email, to 

The call for papers closes Friday 18 April 2015.

Successful authors will be notified by end of July 2015. We would expect full draft contributions to be ready for circulation to contributors by December 2015, for discussion at a workshop hosted at Queen Mary, University of London, in April 2016 (with a workshop date to be confirmed shortly).