Call for Papers | Justice for Atrocities – Dialogues and Encounters between Latin-America and Europe


On 6 and 7 December 2022, the conference ‘Justice for Atrocities: Dialogues and Encounters between Latin-America and Europe’ will be hosted at Westminster Law School (United Kingdom) and the University of Jyväskylä (Finland). The organizing committee invites paper abstracts. The conference will be either online or in a hybrid form (part online, part in London), depending on the availability of funds and the epidemiological situation.  The organisers, Dr. Marco Longobardo (Westminster) and Dr. Juan-Pablo Pérez-León-Acevedo (Jyväskylä), welcome proposal submissions from academics and other professionals.

The call for papers is available here.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 17 January 2022.