Christian Tams


Christian Tams

Christian J. Tams is Professor of International Law at the University of Glasgow where he directs GCILS, the Glasgow Centre for International Law & Security. He studied law at the universities of Kiel, Lyon III and Cambridge (LLM, PhD), and is a qualified German lawyer (admitted in 2005).
Christian’s scholarship is primarily doctrinal, with particular focus on dispute settlement, investment law and State responsibility. Recent works include a new edition of The Statute of the International Court of Justice(Zimmermann/Tams, Oxford 2019,) and Self-Defence against Non-State Actors (co-authored with O’Connell and Tladi, Cambridge 2019).
Christian is the Review Editor of the European Journal of International Law, a member of the Council of the German Society of International Law and an emeritus fellow of the Young Academy of Scotland. An academic member of Matrix Chambers, he is frequently instructed in inter-State and investment disputes, and in recent years, has acted in proceedings before the International Court of Justice, the Iran-US Claims Tribunal and arbitral tribunals. Christian is a long-suffering supporter of a once-successful football team, the Hamburger Sport-Verein.