ESIL & ASIL Joint Event on ‘At Home and Abroad – The European Union in a Changing Global Order’

The American Society of International Law and the European Society of International Law invited their members and colleagues from around the world to participate in a special series of sessions on “Reconceiving America’s Global Role in the Biden Era: International Perspectives” focusing on regionally specific issues of international law and policy that will be impacted by the new Biden-Harris Administration. The event was held online on 12 March 2021 as part of the American Society of International Law’s 2021 Annual Meeting (24-26 March 2021).

This session focused on the legal aspects of the European Union’s place in a changing global order. What does the Biden administration mean for US-EU relations in terms of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), cooperation within NATO, or multilateral cooperation in areas such as the environment, sanctions policy, and health? To what extent has the EU shifted its attention to other partners in the world, given the many new free trade agreements it is continuing to conclude? Has the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment enhanced their legal partnership? What is the impact of Brexit and the underlying agreements between the EU and the UK on the EU-US relationship in policy areas such as security and trade? Panelists with expertise in trade and investment, international security law, and EU external relations law presented a range of perspectives on these questions.