ESIL Board Elections in Valencia

Six members of the Executive Board will be elected during the General Assembly at the 2012 Biennial Conference in Valencia, Spain.

Venue: Aula Magna, University of Valencia
Date and Time: Saturday 15th September 2012, 12.00-13.30

In line with the Society’s Articles of Association, all members have the right to vote, in person or by proxy. A member may cast a vote by granting a written proxy to a fellow member using this form. A member may act as proxy on behalf of a maximum of three other members.

Each member may vote for up to six candidates. The following candidates will be listed on the ballot sheet in alphabetical order:

Samantha BESSON

Samantha Besson is Professor of Public International Law and European Law at the University of Fribourg and Co-Director of the European Law Institute of the Universities of Bern, Fribourg and Neuchâtel. She holds a degree in Swiss and European Law (Fribourg and Vienna), a Magister Juris in European and Comparative Law (Oxford), a PhD in Law (Fribourg) and a Habilitation in Legal Philosophy and Swiss, Comparative, European and International Constitutional Law (Bern). She has held senior research positions at Oxford, Columbia Law School and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, and been a visiting professor at Duke Law School, the Catolica Global Law School in Lisbon, Lausanne and Zurich. Her publications and research interests lie in European and international legal theory and in European and international human rights law and theory. Besides numerous publications in French and English, she co-edited the collections of essays The Philosophy of International Law (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2010).

Veronica BILKOVA

I am often told that opening the ESIL to the East and South would mean compromising the academic excellency. I do not believe it is true and I wish to become the member of the ESIL Board to be able to prove it. My name is Veronika Bilkova and I come from Prague, where I teach international law. I got my MA (Law, Political Science, Philology) and PhD (International Law) in Prague, my E.MA (Human Rights) in Venice and Bochum, and a Postgraduate Diploma (International Law) in Cambridge. Thanks to moot courts, lectures given abroad, and my membership in the Venice Commission, I have had the opportunity to learn about various European countries and their legal traditions. As an ESIL Board member, I would promote the plurality of such traditions, seeing that all members of the extended European family of international lawyers are treated with respect and equality.

Laurence BOISSON DE CHAZOURNES (candidate for re-election)

Laurence Boisson de Chazournes is professor at the University of Geneva (see: She has been a visiting professor in numerous universities in Europe, Africa, the United States and Latin America. She has been Senior Counsel to the World Bank (1995-1999) and is an advisor to various international organizations. She has served as counsel and expert in various dispute settlement fora (ICJ, WTO) and is the author of publications discussing general international law, law regarding international organizations, international environmental law and dispute settlement (see list of publications:  ). A member of the Board of ESIL since 2008, her activities are geared towards the furtherance of the scientific standing of the Society, the taking into account of the legal and linguistic traditions within the Society as well as of the relationships of ESIL with other scientific institutions (national societies in particular).


Luis Hinojosa, Ph.D., LL.M. (LSE, London University) (ULB, Brussels)
Professor of International and European Law
Granada University

Professor Luis Hinojosa is the Director of the Department of Public International Law of Granada University. His main areas of teaching and research include international economic law, European Union law, and international terrorism. He was the Director of the ESIL-IEL Interest Group Conference on the ‘The International Law of Financial Markets’ hosted by Granada University in 2010. As co-chair of the ESIL International Economic Law Interest Group he manages its web page and, if elected, he could contribute to enhance the synergies between the interest groups and ESIL. He has given conferences in Spanish, French and English in Europe, the United States, Latin America and North Africa, and has been Visiting Scholar in the Stetson School of Law (Florida) and in Berkeley University (California). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, of the Executive Board of the Spanish Association of European Law, and former member of the Executive Board of the Spanish Society of International Law. More information:

Massimo IOVANE

Massimo Iovane is a professor of international law at the University of Naples “Federico II” with a particular focus on international responsibility, the role of the international courts, and human rights. He has also been involved in the organization of important scientific events, such as the 2009 Institut de droit international session in Naples. For six years, Iovane was an active member of the Italian Society of International Law board, developing contacts with other national societies, creating an extensive network of links among academics. His interest in becoming a member of the board of the ESIL is motivated by his desire to contribute to the development of European scholarship in international law, and to put his experience at the disposal of the ESIL in the elaboration of cross-national EU-funded research projects. In pursuing this goal, he is also keen to foster francophone involvement in the events he plans to organize in the future, including an ESIL event in Naples.


Lauri MALKSOO (candidate for re-election)

Lauri Mälksoo is Professor of International Law and director of the Institute of Constitutional and International Law at the University of Tartu. He was the main organizer of the 4th Research Forum of ESIL which was held in Tallinn, Estonia, on 26-28 May 2011. (The video recordings of this conference can be viewed at; insert ’ESIL’.) His research, currently supported by a grant of the European Research Council, focuses on the interpretation and application of international law (including human rights law) in the Russian Federation. He has published on the history and theory of international law, often placing these themes in the East European and Russian context. His recent publications include a chapter on the history of International law in Russia in the „Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law“ (at OUP). He is a frequent panellist at international law conferences in CIS countries and sees it as part of his agenda to extend the membership and influence of ESIL in Eastern Europe.


Mario Prost is a Senior Lecturer at the Keele Law School (UK). He is a graduate of Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne and holds a PhD from McGill University. Prior to joining Keele, he held research positions at the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism and the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (McGill), the UN Office of Legal Affairs and the French Defence Ministry. Although Mario is a general public international lawyer, he has a special interest in international legal theory, legal history and international environmental law. Mario is the author of Commerce et environnement dans la jurisprudence du GATT et de l’OMC (Bruylant, 2006) and of articles on the so-called ‘fragmentation’ of international law, the role of international tribunals and the trade/environment/development debate. His latest book is The Concept of Unity in Public International Law (Hart, 2012). Since 2010, Mario is ESIL’s Executive Director and the co-founder of the Interest Group on International Environmental Law.

Dr. iur. et lic. rer.pol. Anne van Aaken is Professor for Law and Economics, Legal Theory, Public International Law and European Law at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. She was i.a. Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg and a Visiting Scholar at Berkeley and Yale Law School. She taught as a guest professor at numerous universities in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America and will be teaching as a Global Law Professor at NYU 2013/14. She was a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study Berlin in 2010/11. She is the Vice-President of the European Association of Law and Economics (till Sept. 2012), President of the Programmatic Steering Board of the Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law, Member of ILA Committees and an expert for IBRD, OECD and UNCTAD. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, focusing on legal theory, international economic law and fragmentation of Public International Law.


Dr Ralph Wilde is a member of the Faculty of Laws at University College London, University of London.  His current research focuses on the extraterritorial application of international human rights law.  His book International Territorial Administration: How Trusteeship and the Civilizing Mission Never Went Away (OUP, 2008) was awarded the Certificate of Merit of the American Society of International Law in 2009.  At the International Law Association (ILA) Ralph is Co-Rapporteur of the Human Rights Committee, and previously served as one of the UK representatives on the international Executive Council, Rapporteur of the Study Group on UN Reform, and Joint Honorary Secretary of the British Branch.   Ralph has held visiting positions at the CEU in Budapest, Melbourne University, NYU, Texas University, UCLA and Yale Law School, and served on the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law.  More information:


Rüdiger WOLFRUM (candidate for re-election)
Professor Rüdiger Wolfrum (German), born in 1941, is at present Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and Public International Law at Heidelberg and Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Heidelberg (both since 1993). Before that he was Director of the Institute of International Law and Professor at the Faculty of Law in Kiel. He is Judge at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea since 1996 (re-elected 1999 and 2008) having served as its Vice-President (1996-1999) and as its President (2005-2008). From 1990 to 1999 he was member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. His main academic interests are general international law, settlement of disputes, law of the sea, international environmental law, international economic law, and protection of human rights, international humanitarian law and the United Nations

Under the ESIL Articles of Association, valid decisions of the General Assembly require a quorum of at least one twentieth of the members of the Society. Your presence at the General Assembly and your vote are important!

For any questions about the Board Elections, please contact the ESIL Secretary General, Marko Milanovic.