2012 ESIL Book Prize

The 2012 ESIL Book Prize was awarded to Dr. Michael Waibel, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, for his book Sovereign Defaults before International Courts and Tribunals, published in May 2011 by Cambridge University Press.

The jury members, Eyal Benvenisti, Jutta Brunnee and Francesco Francioni, were unanimous in their selection of the prize-winner: “A remarkable book – to our knowledge, it is the first comprehensive and systematic treatment of this subject. The book combines historical analysis with careful research of case law and other practice. The result is an impressive and original treatment of a subject that is of the utmost relevance for the present state of the international economic system.”

The prize was awarded during the Gala Dinner at the 5th ESIL Biennial Conference in Valencia in September 2012.