Doctoral Workshop – Practising Reflexivity in International Law

The Law Department of the European University Institute (EUI) will hold a Doctoral Forum on International Law as a series of online workshops in February and March 2021 with the support of the European Society of International Law.
International lawyers entering the field of international law today are met with a competitive field and challenges such as the rise of populism, growing economic inequality, climate change, and unravelling global cooperation. In addressing these challenges, the situation of international lawyers—e.g. their position in the field, race, or gender—and its influence on what they do or think is seldom considered overtly. Building on this reflexive attitude, long productively discussed in the social sciences, this Forum invites contributors to practise reflexivity in their own work and in the field of international law.
The practice of reflexivity takes the international lawyer as an object of research, examining their situation and how it influences what they do or think, and it can also extend to an examination of the field itself and the scholarly endeavour. This Forum seeks to investigate how the practice of reflexivity could uncover disciplinary routines and create possibilities for new or alternative interventions in response to the field’s most pressing challenges.