IG Workshops & Agora Panel Proposals – 2025 ESIL Annual Conference in Berlin | Calls for Papers
In the context of the 20th ESIL Annual Conference in Berlin, ESIL Interest Groups are inviting submissions for their pre-conference workshops and agora panel proposals.
Please find the available calls for papers below:
- IG on the History of International Law: De-/re-)constructions of International Law over Time and Space (deadline: 15 January 2025)
- IG on Social Sciences and International Law: Interdisciplinarity and the (re)construction of international law (deadline: 15 January 2025)
- IG on International Legal Theory and Philosophy: On What Basis Should International Law be Reconstructed? (deadline: 15 January 2025)
- IG on International Courts and Tribunals: Reconstructing the Advisory Function of International Courts and Tribunal (deadline: 28 March 2025)
- IG on International Criminal Justice: Reconstructing International Criminal Justice as It Unfolds (deadline: 1 April 2025)
- IG on the International Law of Culture: The Future and Past of ‘Progress’ in Cultural Heritage Law (deadline: 4 April 2025)
- IG on the EU as a Global Actor: Regional Legal Craftsmanship: The EU’s Aspirations in (Re)Constructing International Law? (deadline: 10 April 2025)
- IG on Migration and Refugee Law: De/Re-Constructing Asylum: New Actors, Processes and Spaces (deadline: 11 April 2025)
- IG on Feminism and International Law: Feminist Visions for Reconstructing International Law (deadline: 15 April 2025)
- IG on International Business and Human Rights: Reconstructing International Law: Structural Shifts Under the UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights (deadline: 15 April 2025)
- IG on International Economic Law: Reconstructing International Economic Law (deadline: 15 April 2025)
- IG on Peace and Security: Reconstructing Peace: (Mis)Uses of International Law (deadline: 18 April 2025)
- IG on International Environmental Law: Reconstructing International Environmental Law Through Adjudication (deadline: 20 April 2025)
- IG on International Human Rights Law: The Reconstruction of Victimhood in International Human Rights Law (deadline: 20 April 2025)
- IG on Energy and International Law: Reconstructing International Energy Law in Times of Crisis (deadline: 25 April 2025)