Patryk Labuda

Board Members

Patryk Labuda

Central European University
Patryk Labuda is an assistant professor of international law and international relations at Central European University and a researcher on the Memocracy project at the Polish Academy of Sciences. Trilingual in Polish, French and English, I hold a PhD in international law from the Geneva Graduate Institute, and degrees in law and history from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Columbia Law School. He was previously an assistant professor of (international) criminal law at the University of Amsterdam, and has held positions at the New York University School of Law, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and University of Zurich. Specialized in international criminal law, public international law and legal history, Patryk has 14 years of work and research experience in Africa. His current focus is on shifts in the global legal order and relations between the ‘Global South’ and ‘Global East’, especially Africa and Eastern Europe.