Inaugural Thornberry Lecture in International Law and Human Rights

The Keele Law School and the School of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy (SPIRE) are pleased to invite you to the Inaugural Thornberry Lecture in International Law and Human Rights. The lecture will take place on Wednesday 25 February 2015, 4-6pm (Dorothy Hodgkins Building, University of Keele) and will be followed by a drinks reception. The title of the lecture by Professor Dapo Akande is ‘The Application of Human Rights Law in Time of Armed Conflict’.

The Thornberry Lecture in International Law and Human Rights is an annual lecture established in 2015 by the Keele Law School and the School of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy (SPIRE). It is named in honour of Patrick Thornberry – an alumnus and Emeritus Professor of International Law at Keele – and brings to the University leading academics, thinkers and experts on major current international law and human rights issues.

Places are limited. Please register online here:   Eventbrite - Inaugural Thornberry Lecture in International Law and Human Rights