Seminar, Ferrara, 13 Feb. 2015: The External Dimension of EU Private International Law after Opinion 1/13

The external dimension of EU private international law after Opinion 1/13
Ferrara, 13 February 2015

First session: Recent developments in the law of EU external relations inside and outside judicial cooperation in civil matters
Chair: Giorgio Gaja, International Court of Justice
Speakers: Marise Cremona, Paul Beaumon, Serena Forlati, Marta Pertegás

Second session: Developing the external dimension of EU private international law: policies, prospects, techniques
Chair: Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca, Carlos III University of Madrid
Speakers: Alex Mills, Alessandra Zanobetti, Chris Thomale, Pietro Franzina

Emmanuel Guinchard, Cristina Mariottini, Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti, and Chiara Tuo, among others, will join the discussion.

Please register by 9 February 2015 using this form 

The poster of the conference is available here. 

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