PhD Position, Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg

PhD Position in ERC Project on Transnational Arbitration

Max Planck Institute for International Law, Heidelberg


The ERC-funded project, directed by Dr. Stephan Schill, on “Transnational Private-Public Arbitration as Global Regulatory Governance (Lex Mercatoria Publica)” invites applications for a position as Ph.D. Researcher/Research Fellow (m/f). The deadline for applications is 30 April 2013.


The Project analyzes the rising phenomenon of transnational arbitrations between private economic actors and public law bodies as a mechanism of global regulatory governance. It will examine the rules and principles applied and crafted by arbitral tribunals and develop normative criteria to assess their legitimacy, including through comparative public law research. The Research Fellow is expected to undertake, as part of a Ph.D. dissertation, a study into issues of norm diffusion, namely how public law traditions in different jurisdictions regarding private-public arbitration relate to each other, how respective ideas and concepts migrate from one jurisdiction to another, and how such ideas oscillate between international and national legal instruments.


For further details see: