11th Annual ESIL Conference – Oslo, 10-12 September 2015:
The Judicialization of International Law – A Mixed Blessing?
Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Proceduralization and the Development of Human Rights Jus Commune
Conference Paper No. 1/2015
Kasey L McCall-Smith
Global Judicial Governance of Cultural Diversity: The Role of the European Judge
Conference Paper No. 2/2015
Jessica Maria Almqvist
The Expressive Limits of International Criminal Justice: Victim Trauma and Local Culture in the Iron Cage of the Law
Conference Paper No. 3/2015
Barrie Sander
Organised Retreat? The Move from ‘Substantive’ to ‘Procedural’ Review in the ECtHR’s Case Law on the Margin of Appreciation
Conference Paper No. 4/2015
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir
The Governance of International Courts and Tribunals: Organizing and Guaranteeing Independence and Accountability – A Appeal for Research
Conference Paper No. 5/2015
Niels Blokker
Interstate Arbitration and the Peaceful Resolution of Transboundary Fresh Water Disputes
Conference Paper No. 6/2015
Tamar Meshel
Good Governance Obligations in International Economic Law: A Comparative Analysis of Trade and Investment
Conference Paper No. 7/2015
Andrew D. Mitchell, Elizabeth Sheargold, Tania S.L. Voon
Hans Kelsen on Judicial Law-Making by International Courts and Tribunals: A Theory of Global Judicial Imperialism?
Conference Paper No. 8/2015
Jochen von Bernstorff