6th ESIL Research Forum – Florence, 14-15 May 2015
Whither the Principle of Self-Determination in the Post-Colonial Era? The Case for a Policy-Oriented Approach
Conference Paper No. 9/2015
Daniele Amoroso
The Use of Force by Non-State Actors and the Limits of Attribution of Conduct
Conference Paper No. 10/2015
Vladyslav Lanovoy
Conceptions of State Identity and Continuity in Contemporary International Legal Scholarship
Conference Paper No. 11/2015
Anne Østrup
International Law and the Legitimacy of Interim Governments
Conference Paper No. 12/2015
Matthew Saul
Is There an Obligation to Negotiate Secession in International Law? From Reference re Secession of Quebec to Kosovo Advisory Opinion and Beyond
Conference Paper No. 13/2015
Boshko Stankovski
Aspiring States
Conference Paper No. 14/2015
Shana Tabak
To Whom Belongs the Land? Territory, Sovereignty and Imperialism in the History of International Law
Conference Paper No. 15/2015
Mieke Van der Linden