5th ESIL Biennial Conference – Valencia, 13-15 September 2012:
“Regionalism and International Law”
Human Security and Universal Human Rights of Undocumented Migrants: Transnational Vulnerabilities and Regional Traditions
Conference Paper No. 1/2012
Dorothy Estrada-Tanck
The Delimitation Process in the Central Arctic Seabed: Sovereign Rights or a Condominium of Res Communis Ominum?
Conference Paper No. 2/2012
Claudia Cinelli
Regionalism and the Unity of International Law from a Positivist Perspective
Conference Paper No. 3/2012
André de Hoogh
The History and Concept of Regionalism
Conference Paper No. 4/2012
Louise Fawcett
Regionalism Constructed: A Short History of ‘Latin American International Law
Conference Paper No. 5/2012
Liliana Obregon
Regional Challenges to the Law of State Immunity
Conference Paper No. 6/2012
Philippa Webb
Regionalism in the Field: The Case of South Sudan
Conference Paper No. 7/2102
Juan Jorge Piernas Lopez
New Regionalism and Global Constitutionalism: Allies, Not Rivals
Conference Paper No. 8/2012
José Manuel Pureza
The Regional Practices Before the International Criminal Court: The Situations in Northern Uganda and Sudan
Conference Paper No. 9/2012
Alma C. Borjas Monroy
Extraterritorial Application of the ECHR: A Relevant Contribution of Regionalism to Peace and Security?
Conference Paper No. 10/2012
Ana Maria Salinas de Frias
L’Union Africaine : une organisation régionale susceptible de s’émanciper de l’autorité du Conseil de sécurité ?
Conference Paper No. 11/2012
Olivier Corten
L’articulation des approches universelle et régionale en matière de protection du climat
Conference Paper No. 12/2012
Géraud de Lassus Saint-Geniès
Le régionalisme commercial africain
Conference Paper No. 13/2012
Ousseni Illy
Quelques remarques à propos de la problématique de l’intégration dans le cadre des organisations internationales à vocation universelle ou régionale : contre la dictature de la ligne droite
Conference Paper No. 14/2012
Jean-Marc Sorel
L’évolution des relations entre les Nations Unies et les organisations régionales de la Charte à nos jours
Conference Paper No. 15/2012
Santiago Villalpando
Theoretical Premises of ‘Regionalism and the Unity of International Law
Conference Paper No. 16/2012
Dirk Pulkowski