10th Anniversary Conference – Vienna, 4-6 September 2014:
“International Law and… Boundaries of International Law and Bridges to Other Fields and Disciplines”
‘Three Grades of Evil’: Nabokov, Wittgenstein and the Perils of Treaty Interpretation
Conference Paper No. 1/2014
Alessandra Asteriti
The Inextricable Connection between Historical Consciousness and International Law: New Imperialism, the International Court of Justice and its Interpretation of the Inter-Temporal Rule
Conference Paper No. 2/2014
Mieke van der Linden
‘Culturomics’ and International Law Research
Conference Paper No. 3/2014
Jamie Trinidad
Engaged Visual Art as a Tool for Normative Renewal in International Human Rights: The Case of Ariella Azoulay’s Potential History (2012)
Conference Paper No. 4/2014
Eva Brems and Hilde van Gelder
International Sports Law and the Fight Against Doping: An Analysis from an International Human Rights Law Perspective
Conference Paper No. 5/2014
Carmen Pérez González
The Notion of Hierarchy Under the Light of the Founding Fathers’ Magna Opera: The Ideological Structure of the Early Jus Gentium and its Implications on the Current Debate About the Order of Values and Normative Hierarchy
Conference Paper No. 6/2014
Dimitrios A. Kourtis
National Case Law as a Generator of International Refugee Law: Rectifying an Imbalance within the UNHCR Guidelines on International Protection
Conference Paper No. 7/2014
Cecilia M Bailliet
International Law in Transit: The Concept of ‘Indigenous Peoples’ and its Travel between International and National Realms – The Example of the Negev Bedouin
Conference Paper No. 8/2014
Emma Nyhan
Emerging Fair Trial Guarantees Before the Court of Arbitration for Sport
Conference Paper No. 9/2014
Jernej Letnar Cernic
National Law as an Unpredictable Generator of International Law: The Case of Norm Export at the World Trade Organization
Conference Paper No. 10/2014
Gregory Messenger
International Investment Treaties and the Promise of Good Governance: Norm and Institutional Design, Internalisation, and Domestic Rule-Making
Conference Paper No. 11/2014
Mavluda Sattorova
Zero Dark Thirty: International Law, Torture and Representation
Conference Paper No. 12/2014
Daniel Joyce and Gabrielle Simm
European Bilateral Investment Agreements – Is There a Real Value Added?
Conference Paper No. 13/2014
Magdalena Słok-Wódkowska and Katarzyna Sledziewska
Shifting Sands: Power, Uncertainty and the Form of International Legal Cooperation
Conference Paper No. 14/2014
Timothy Meyer
‘A La Maison Blanche’ : Le Président des Etats-Unis se soucie-t-il du droit international lorsqu’il décide d’une intervention militaire ? (‘The West Wing’: Does the US President Care About International Law When Deciding Military Intervention?)
Conference Paper No. 15/2014
Olivier Corten
The Challenges Posed by Cyber Attacks to the Law on Self-Defence
Conference Paper No. 16/2014
Irène Couzigou