Training seminars for International Electoral Observers, Venice, 13 – 18 April 2015

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) invites you to apply to the training seminar for International Electoral Observers. The application period will last until the deadline of 5 April 2015.

The principle of holding periodic and open elections are a vital part of democratization and stabilisation of peace agreements around the world. If interested to learn about election observation missions and what the opportunities in this field are, join us at the EIUC training seminar for International Electoral Observers: A seminar where we combine expert discussions and a hands-on workshop.

The third edition of the training seminar for International Electoral Observers will be held at the Monastery of San Nicolò, Lido, Venice from 13 to 18 April 2015. The training seminar for graduates or professionals aims at introducing civilian staff to the profession of election observers and at delivering a complete theoretical and practical basic course to those willing to consider election observation as a possible professional step in their career.

Its international faculty includes prestigious lectures in human rights, such as Armin Rabitsch who has been working in the field of elections, democratization and good governance in a variety of organizations including the UNDP, EU and OSCE/ODIHR for the past 15 years and Stephane Mondon, who has an extensive experience within the European Union, UNDP and the Carter Center.

The training seminar is organised by the EIUC and granted patronage by the Italian, Spanish and the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

EIUC has developed two five-day modules that will allow to selected applicants to become aware of the role, the tasks and the status of international observers, and will be given a theoretical and practical training on election observation and election observation missions functioning.

The first module (13-15 April 2015) will highlight the quantitative observation of the STOs. Starting with a thorough introduction on the international observation theory and legal standards the first module will analyse the practical life of a short term observer from the selection procedure to the end of mission including the observation of the polls, the filling of the forms, the reporting system and the code of the conduct.

The second module (16-18 April 2015) will introduce the participants to the long-term election observation by analysing in depth some of the aspects related to an international observation mission such as working relations, the role of the media, interviewing and reporting techniques and electoral dispute resolutions.
EIUC will accept candidatures for each separate module or both combined.

Please note that applications will be processed on an on-going basis.

Interested candidates should register by compiling the online application form.

More information can be found at:
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