The Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law – Luxembourg and the Richmond School of Law are organising an online webinar, 2 July 2020 from 16:3018:00 (CET) & 10:30-12:00 (US East) on the theme ‘Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Low-Hanging Fruit or Unreachable Goal?’

A draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) was recently published by the Secretariats of ICSID and UNCITRAL, at the request of States negotiating in UNCITRAL’s Working Group III. A Code of Conduct has the potential to address many of the criticisms faced by ISDS and could be an important tool to reform the ISDS system. Speakers in this webinar, all experts and active participants in ISDS, will first present the content of the draft code and then discuss the policy choices negotiators face to finalize the Code and address and assess possible differences and tensions between States’ vision and users’ preferences.


If you are interested in participating in this webinar, please send an email to before Tuesday, 30 June. 2020. In order to participate, a link will be sent to you when you are registered. Participation is free of charge.

This announcement is from Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law – Luxembourg, an ESIL Institutional Member