2017 ESIL Research Forum on “The Neutrality of International Law: Myth or Reality?”
The 2017 ESIL Research Forum took place on 30-31 March 2017 at the University of Granada.
Venue: Hospital Real – Cuesta del Hospicio s/n – 18071 Granada
The 2017 ESIL Research Forum addressed the theme of the neutrality of international law.
It has often been said that international law should be neutral as regards the political, economic and social systems of States. However, this ideal of neutrality can be critiqued on both normative and empirical grounds. Every legal order is based on a power structure and certain fundamental principles. Is it still possible to speak of the neutrality of international law given the growing body of principles that are said to reflect the values of the international community? And are international legal instruments designed to influence the political, economic and social order of States compatible with such neutrality?
The website of the Research Forum provides full information about the Forum: the full programme; information on the venue, and general tourist information about Granada.