Institute of International Relations, Prague | Charles University in Prague
Current Research:
I am the head of the Centre for International Law at the Institute of International Relations, Prague. I also teach public international law at the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague. Since 2010, I have represented the Czech Republic in the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe and since 2020 I have been the chair of the Czech Government’s Committee on Human Rights of Older Persons. Having a background in both law and political science, I like to combine theoretical research with a more policy-oriented approach. In my research, I focus on human rights, international humanitarian law, the use of force, fight against terrorism, and the theory of international law. In my policy-oriented studies, I concentrate on human rights and democracy promotion in foreign policy.
Key Publications:
2020 – The International Law Commission perspective on non-State actors and customary international law. In Droubi, Sufyan, D’Asprémont,Jean (eds), International organisations, non-State actors, and the formation of customary international law, Manchester University Press, 200-226.
2019 – Human Rights of Older Persons in International Law. Czech Yearbook of Private and Public International Law. Vol. 10, 231-247.
2019 – Worlds Apart? Interpretation of International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law Treaties and the VCLT. Austrian Review of International and European Law. Vol. 24, 1-21.
2019 – Populism and Human Rights. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2018, 143-174.
2017 – Global Prohibition Regimes and International Law. Passau-Berlin-Prague: rw&w Science&New Media.
2016 – Territorial (Se)Cession in Light of the Recent Events in Crimea. In: Nicolini, Matteo – Palermo, Francesco – Milano, Enrico (eds.): Law, Territory and Conflict Resolution. Law as a Problem and Law as a Solution, Brill/Nijhoff,194–218.
2015 – The Use of Force by the Russian Federation in Crimea. Heidelberg Journal of International Law (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht), Vol. 75, No. 1, 27–50.
2015 – Symbols of Illiberalism in the World of Liberal States. Baltic Journal of International Law, Vol. 15, No. 1, 249–267.
2015 – Armed Opposition Groups and Shared Responsibility. Netherlands International Law Review, Vol. 62, No. 1, 69–89.
2014 – Belligerent Reprisals in Non-International Armed Conflicts. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, No. 1, 1–35