Call for Book Proposals – Routledge Cultural Heritage in International Law Book Series

International cultural law is a rapidly developing and extremely diverse field of study. Many lawyers are developing an interest in the field and many non-lawyers are starting to show interest in the law that affects their own areas of specialization. The interest in the subject area has been rising over the past two decades globally, as these issues affect every jurisdiction.
This book series welcomes proposals for monographs and edited collections that focus on cultural heritage and international law. It particularly welcomes proposals including interdisciplinary topics or adopting interdisciplinary approaches. It aims at publishing original, sound, and cutting edge works on emerging topics of worldwide relevance by both junior and senior scholars.
The primary users of the book series will be international law scholars, students and practitioners, as well academics and policy makers across public and private institutions. Scholars and students studying other disciplines such as art history, archaeology, war studies, museum studies and heritage studies would also be interested in the series.
The selection of books for the book series occurs through double blind peer review on the basis of their academic quality.
For preliminary expression of interest, or for submitting book proposals, please feel free to contact Professor Valentina Vadi.
Further information on book proposals