Conference – New Technologies and the Future of Public Law

The most recent scientific and technological developments are deeply and irreversibly affecting individual and social habits, inter-personal, social, political, and economic relationships, and the role, actions, and organisation of public institutions. These trends represent a crucial challenge to the core of legal systems, both from a legal theoretical perspective, and from the point of view of rights and duties, and of forms of government.
The second conference of the Italian Chapter of the International Society of Public Law (ICON·S), which will take place in Florence on 22-23 November 2019, aims to encourage engagement with these themes on the basis of the multidisciplinary perspective that characterises ICON·S. Researchers from all areas of law (public law, constitutional law, administrative law, international law, European Union law, criminal law, corporate and trade law, law and economics, and all related fields) and from sociology, political science, economics, and informatics and computer science, at any stage of their career, are encouraged to participate.
CALL FOR PAPERS AND PANELS (the deadline for submission of proposals has now passed).
More information and an English language version of the call can be found on the CONFERENCE WEBSITE.