Call for Papers International Conference ‘Consumer Policy in China New Trends and Challenges’

Papers are invited for this International Conference to be held by the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau (Macau, China) on 15 and 16 December 2015.
I. The Theme
China’ 12th Five-Year Plan shifted the strategy from export-led growth to one that focuses more on the domestic market. Furthermore, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized the importance of moving towards an ecological civilization. The construction of an ecological civilization requires a global effort to improve people’s well-being while guaranteeing the future of the country. This concept balances economic development and environmental protection, putting ecological civilization on an equal footing with the civilizations of politics, economy, society, and culture. These different dimensions relate to diverse societal aspirations and concerns and must be addressed by modern Chinese policy. The second largest economy in the world is now also a true consumer society, raising new problems and challenges. An efficient policy to protect consumers is essential for the efficient functioning of any market. The purpose of this conference is to take a look at a range of consumer issues in modern-day China, drawing insights from the experience of other jurisdictions and proposing ways to address them efficiently.
II. Topics
The organizing committee welcomes proposals on any topic relating to consumer policy in China. Subject areas may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a) Access to water
b) Access to food
c) Product safety
d) Services of General Economic Interest
e) Environmental protection
f) E-commerce
Abstracts should be sent by 20 November 2015. Abstracts in English should be no more than 500 words long and contain the name, institutional affiliation and contact details of the author.
The organizing committee will select proposals and announce the outcome by 25 November 2015.
You can download the full call for papers here.