Catania Young Investigator Training Program (YITP) | Call for applications – Visiting fellowships 2022

The Young Investigator Training Program (YITP) at the Department of Law of the University of Catania welcomes applications for 9 visiting fellowships to be awarded to early stage scholars of any nationality from any European (non-Italian) or extra-European academic institutions (with preference to Ukrainian or other nationalities under international protection). The applicants shall be within 10 years of the award of the PhD or currently PhD students when starting the fellowship. Research proposals shall be related to the fields covered by the Catania YITP, namely international law, EU law, history of international law and legal history of European integration. The fellows will be hosted by the University of Catania Law Department (Prof. A. Di Stefano) or one of the academic institutions part of the 2022 YITP Network (UniBologna, Prof. F. Casolari; UniFerrara, prof. A. Annoni; UniFirenze, Prof. Micaela Frulli; UniNapoli Federico II, prof. F.M. Palombino; UniRomaTre, Prof. G. Bartolini; UniTrento, Prof. M. Pertile) and mentored by a faculty member from one of these research centers.
Please check the UniCt webpage for more details (IT Bando / ENG Call) and submit all you application documents by accessing the UniCt on line application system
Further information about the Catania YITP can be found here.
The deadline for applications is 1 June 2022.