Conference on “The Global Stocktake and International Law – Paradigm, Process and Ambition”

The conference on ‘The Global Stocktake and International Law: Paradigm, Process and Ambition’ is the first part of a series of two conferences that are jointly organised between the Durham Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy (CSDLP) and the Centre for International Law (CIL) at the National University of Singapore. The event will take place in Durham on 22-23 June 2023.
Article 14, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement states that the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties under the Paris Agreement (CMA) shall periodically take stock of the implementation of the Paris Agreement to assess the collective progress towards achieving the purpose of the Agreement and its long-term goals, and to identify opportunities for enhanced action and support.
The conference will explore the paradigms of the global stocktake as a central mechanism of the Paris Agreement, and the role of academia within the different phases of the global stocktake that started at the Glasgow Climate Summit (CMA3). The first global stocktake will conclude with the third phase, the consideration of outputs, at the fifths Meeting of Parties under the Paris Agreement, in December 2023 (CMA5). This phase will be critical for the implications of the findings of the preceding technical assessment phase, based on the initial information collection and preparation phase. The expectation is that the outputs of the final phase will identify opportunities and challenges in enhancing action and support in collective progress, summarise good practices and key political messages for strengthening action, cooperation, and support.
The conference will explore the legal and political components of all phases of this first global stocktake and its potential to inform nationally determined contributions, as well as the role of collaboration between all stakeholders, including academia, and negotiators in shaping this mechanism, both to enhance ambition and as a template for future stocktakes. The programme features contributions from experienced negotiators, leading policy makers and NGO representatives as well as academic experts.
To attend online, please register here. To attend in person, please register here.