The Evolutionary Interpretation of Treaties: The UN Charter and the European Convention on Human Rights Facing Modern Challenges

A Joint Conference by the European Society of International Law, the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, and Jessup Russia

5 February 2016


The conference will take place during the Jessup Russia 2016 week (3-7 February 2016).

In addition to having eminent invited speakers, the organizers issued a call for papers on the following topics:

  • UN Charter: New state practice as a challenge to basic principles? Potential topics include self-defence against contemporary threats, including non-state actors, as well as targeted sanctions against individuals within the UN system and their compatibility with international law.
  • The ECHR in different times and different places. Potential topics include: the application of the ECHR in armed conflict; the European Court’s dynamic development of human rights which puts it in potential and actual conflict with states; the Court’s achievements and failures in accounting for cultural and political differences in Europe; principles such as subsidiarity and the margin of appreciation; the evolving interpretation of the ECHR in protecting the rights of corporations and other legal persons.

The Call for Papers is now closed and the programme is now available.