ESIL Lectures

The ESIL Lecture Series hosts broadcasts of presentations on international law topics held at partner institutions, allowing the presentation to reach a wider audience of ESIL members and non-members alike.
ESIL Lectures are available on our website, below, and on our YouTube Channel.
To propose an ESIL Lecture, please read the ESIL Conference Series Guidelines.
ESIL Lecture Series Coordinators: Giulio Bartolini and Edouard Fromageau.

Forthcoming ESIL Lectures:

Past Lectures and Dialogues

ESIL Lecture held during the 2024 ESIL Annual Conference in Vilnius
LECTUREKeynote lecture and Opening Discussion on “Technology and Regulatory Regionalism: Europe as Centre or Periphery?”
SPEAKERS: Simon Chesterman, Jekaterina Govina, Roxana Vatanparast
VENUE: Vilnius               DATE: 5 September 2024

SPEAKER: Judge Hilary Charlesworth
VENUE: Stockholm University
SPEAKERS: Siena Anstis, Jakub Dalek and Ron Deibert (all of Citizen Lab, University of Toronto)
Alexa Koenig (Berkeley)
Matthew Gillett (Essex)
Chair: Tamar Megiddo (Hebrew University)
TOPICEthical Considerations in Open-source Investigations
VENUE: Online via Zoom     DATE: 18 March 2024
SPEAKER: Judge Iulia Motoc
LECTUREHumanism, Legal Technicality and Justice; Rethinking European Human Rights
VENUE: West University of Timișoara        DATE: 27 February 2024
SPEAKER: Prof. William Schabas
LECTURE75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Genocide Convention
VENUE: Belgrade Centre for Human Rights        DATE: 5 October 2023
SPEAKER: Prof. Gleider Hernández
LECTUREBeyond Formalism? (International) Legal Education in the 21st Century
VENUE: KU Leuven      DATE: 28 September 2023
ESIL Lectures held during the 2023 ESIL Annual Conference in Aix-en Provence
LECTUREOpening Discussion on “The Long Quest for Fairness”
SPEAKERS: Yves Daudet, Andrea Bianchi, Slim Laghmani, and Ineta Ziemele
VENUE: Aix-Marseille University        DATE: 31 August 2023
LECTUREClosing Discussion
SPEAKERS: Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Mathias Forteau, Surabhi Ranganathan, and Fuad Zarbiyev
VENUE: Aix-Marseille University        DATE: 2 September 2023
LECTUREConversation with the winners of the 2023 ESIL Monograph Prize and Collaborative Book Prize
SPEAKERS: Freya Baetens, Frederick Cowell, Anne Peters, Jérôme de Hemptinne, and Robert Kolb
VENUE: Aix-Marseille University        DATE: 2 September 2023
SPEAKER: Prof. Sergey Sayapin
LECTUREEurasian Integration and its Law in the Shadow of Russia’s War against Ukraine
VENUE: University of Tartu        DATE: 28 April 2023
SPEAKER: Ms. Jelena Pejić
LECTUREInternational humanitarian law against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine
VENUE: Aero Klub, Belgrade          DATE: 5 October 2022
SPEAKER: Prof. Jean d’Aspremont
LECTUREThe Discourse on Customary International Law
VENUE: University of Graz          DATE: 30 September 2022
SPEAKER: Prof. Jan Wouters
LECTUREEnhancing the Rule of Law in Europe and in the World: Mission Impossible?
VENUE: University of Granada          DATE: 18 March 2022
SPEAKER: Prof. Pierre Bodeau-Livinec
LECTUREResponsibility, Liability, Accountability. Les incertitudes de la responsabilité des organisations internationales
VENUE: University of Geneva          DATE: 14 December 2021
SPEAKER: Prof. Mariano Aznar Gómez
LECTUREMaritime Claims and Underwater Archaeology. When History Meets Politics
VENUE: University of Helsinki, Center for European Studies          DATE: 25 November 2021
SPEAKER: Prof. Concepción Escobar Hernández
LECTURE: Immunity of State officials from criminal jurisdiction
VENUE: University of Deusto           DATE: 20 September 2021
SPEAKER: Catharine Titi
LECTURE: Nationality and Representation on the International Bench
VENUE: Online                                   DATE: 25 November 2020
SPEAKER: Robin Geiß
LECTURE: Disruptive Military Technologies
VENUE: Geneva Academy               DATE: 26 February 2020
SPEAKER: Anastasios Gourgourinis
LECTURE: Attribution of Lawful Conduct to the State for the Purposes of International Responsibility
VENUE: Athens Mediation & Arbitration Organization                             DATE: 31 May 2019
SPEAKER: Giovanni Distefano
LECTURE: Le pacte Briand-Kellog à l’heure de ses 90 ans – La consécration d’une idée révolutionnaire
VENUE: University of  Geneva                            DATE: 27 November 2018
SPEAKER: Christian J. Tams
LECTURE: The Centenary of a ”Great Experiment”: The League of Nations and its Legacy
VENUE: University of Geneva                                                                DATE: 23 October 2018
SPEAKER: José Manuel Sobrino Heredia
LECTURE: Coexistence de l’activité de pêche avec les industries gazières, pétrolières et minières sous-marines
VENUE: University of Nantes                                 DATE: 16 October 2018
SPEAKER: Manfred Nowak
LECTURE: The need to fight for human rights: Vojin Dimitrijevic memorial lecture
VENUE: Belgrade Center for Human Rights                                      DATE: 5 October 2018
SPEAKER: Ekaterina Trendafilova
LECTURE: The Kosovo Specialist Chambers as a New Model of Transitional Justice in the Balkan Region
VENUE: University of Sofia                                                                   DATE: 24 April 2018
SPEAKER: Veronika Fikfak
LECTURE: Monetising Human Rights
VENUE: King’s College London                                                       DATE: 13 April 2018
SPEAKER: Attila Tanzi
LECTURE: The Prevention And Settlement Of Hydroelectric Industry Related Disputes Under International
Law: A Multi-Layered Approach
VENUE: Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London       DATE: 5 April 2018
SPEAKERLorenzo Gradoni 
LECTURE: Position and Agency of the WTO Dispute Settlement System in the Fragmented World of International Adjudication
VENUE: University of Naples Federico II                                         DATE: 28 February 2018
SPEAKER: Olivier de Frouville
LECTURE: Le Rôle de la Société Civile dans les Organisations Internationales : Théorie(s) et Pratique(s)

VENUE: University of Geneva                                                   DATE: 31 October 2017
SPEAKER: Morten Kjaerum

LECTURE: The duty to engage – the recipe for trust in a world of angst.

VENUE: Belgrade Centre for Human Rights                                                 DATE: 4 October 2017
SPEAKER: Erika de Wet, University of Pretoria
LECTURE: Military Intervention by Invitation in the 21st Century

VENUE: Université de Genève                                                                   DATE: 20 February 2017
SPEAKER: Jean-Marc Sorel, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

LECTURE: “Le foisonnement et la variété des organismes dans la régulation financière internationale

VENUE: University of Geneva                                                                     DATE: 25 October 2016
SPEAKER: Christian Tomuschat, Humboldt University (Berlin)

LECTURE: “Syria – Challenge to the International System for the Protection of Human Rights

VENUE: Belgrade Centre for Human Rights                                                   DATE: 4 October 2016
SPEAKER: Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, University of Minnesota Law School

LECTURE: “The Gendered Landscape of International, Regional and Local Approaches to Peacemaking

VENUE: Ulster University, Northern Ireland                                                        DATE: 27 June 2016
SPEAKER: James Hathaway, University of Michigan Law School

LECTURE: Fixing the Refugee System

VENUE: University of Amsterdam School of Law                                               DATE: 13 May 2016         

SPEAKER: Christine Bell, Edinburgh Law School

LECTURE: “The Role of Human Rights in Peace Settlements – A Twenty-Five Year History: Northern Ireland’s Past and Current Struggles in Global Perspective

VENUE: Queen’s University of Belfast                       DATE: 23 November 2015