Gaetano Morelli Lectures – Edition 2017

The Institute of International Law of “Sapienza” University of Rome has the pleasure to invite you at the Gaetano Morelli Lectures, 4th Edition on:
“Rethinking the Doctrine of Customary International Law”
Date: 26 and 27 May 2017
Venue: Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Legal Sciences – Law School, P.le Aldo Moro 5, I-00185, Rome
In 2017, the Gaetano Morelli Lectures will be held by Luigi Condorelli (Honorary Professor of International Law, University of Geneva); Bruno Simma (Judge at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal; former Judge at the International Court of Justice); Michael Wood (Member of the UN International Law Commission).
Presentation of the event.
Detailed program of the 4th Edition.
For any further information, please visit the website of the Department of Legal Sciences of “Sapienza” University of Rome, or the website of the Research Centre for European Law of “Unitelma Sapienza” University of Rome.