Gender Parity on the ICJ Bench – a Pre-ILW Webinar

Oct 14, 2024, 12.00 EDT/18.00 CEST
With all eyes on the World Court, the overrepresentation of one gender on its bench is more visible than ever. Currently, 4 of the 15 permanent ICJ judges are women. This is a historic high in the ICJ’s almost 80-year history, and stands in contrast to the gender equal judiciaries achieved at other international courts. Equality on judicial benches matters. Key goals like access to justice, fairness, and the legitimacy of courts require gender-equal judicial benches. Judicial identity shapes judicial approaches to law-making. Women’s equal participation in judiciaries comprises part of the right to participation in politics and public life, essential to achieving the SDGs by 2030. Beyond the gender binary, the equality of all people requires judiciaries to be inclusive of gender diverse persons. Civil society has been calling for gender equality on the ICJ bench for years, but progress has been slow. With the next ICJ judicial elections taking place in November 2026, this webinar will offer reflections on what can be done over the next two years to finally achieve a gender equal ICJ bench.
Professor José Enrique Alvarez, New York University
Fatou Bensouda, Former Prosecutor to the International Criminal Court; Gambian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
Priya Pillai, Director of the Asia Justice Coalition
Judge Kimberly Prost, International Criminal Court
Patrícia Galvão Teles, Member of the United Nations International Law Commission and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Jessica Lynn Corsi, The City Law School, University of London
Milena Sterio, Cleveland State University College of Law
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