If you are interested in organising an ESIL event, the Board would be very pleased to hear from you.

Please read the documents below as a starting point. If you have any further questions, you can contact esil.secretariat@eui.eu and the  staff will be able to forward your enquiries to the relevant Board member.


All organisers of ESIL-supported workshops or Joint events are actively encouraged to consider publishing the papers from your workshop in the OUP ESIL Book Series. The Series publishes high-quality volumes on the themes of ESIL Annual Conferences and ESIL joint events. If you consider that an event that you organise meets this requirement, we encourage you to get in touch with the General Editors of the Book Series (Veronika Fikfak and Christian Tams) who can provide further details and guidance on potential proposals. All accepted proposals will be supported throughout the editorial process and thorough feedback and peer review will be provided by the Editorial Board.