The Department of Political and Social Science of the University of Bologna has organised, in cooperation with the SOGICA ERC project team, a conference on Vulnerability and Asylum: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims.
The Conference aims to investigate the concept of vulnerability and its application between theory and practice to a specific group of asylum seekers, namely those who apply for international protection on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. The Conference will benefit from the involvement of the SOGICA ERC project’s team, which is carrying a four-year research on the social and legal experiences of asylum-seekers across Europe claiming international protection on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI). That is why the Conference will investigate the European, German and UK experiences and will address the Italian state of affairs with the help of all actors who are supporting SOGI asylum seekers in a time of important reforms. As a result, thanks also to the direct participation of SOGI refugees, the Conference will try to explore how the concept of vulnerability will be (or will be not) central for determining how these European asylum systems can treat these asylum seekers more fairly.
The Conference will be held on 18 May 2018 at the Forlì campus of the University of Bologna.