Pre-2009 Conference Papers
3RD ESIL Research Forum:
HELSINKI, 2-3 October 2009
The following papers have been published in the Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 20 (2009):
Jan Klabbers, Introduction to Special Theme: Changing Futures? Science and International Law
Allan Rosas, The Death of International Law?
Anna Riddel, Scientific Evidence in the International Court of Justice – Problems and Possibilities
Céline Lévesque, Science in the Hands of International Investment Tribunals: A Case for ‘Scientific due Process’
Maria Weimer, Policy Choice versus Science in Regulating Animal Cloning under the WTO Law
Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharya, A.S. v. Hungary: A Case-Study in Adjucating Reproductive Health Claims and the Challenges posed by Interpreting Existent Human Rights Treaties
Lisa Clarke, Global Health Public-Private Partnerships: Better Protecting Against Disease but Creating a Gap in Responsibility under International Law
Sophie Gambardella, The Role of Scientific Committees Within Regional Fishing Commissions
Caroline E. Foster, The Consultation of Independent Experts by International Courts and Tribunals in Health and Environment Case
2ND ESIL Research Forum:
Dessislava Cheytanova, Separatism or Legitimate Aspirations to Independence?
Théodore Christakis, La Sécession: Une Question de Simple Fait?
Jean d’Aspremont, Transfer of Values Through International Law: The Hobbesian Lessons from Eastern European Legal Scholars
Barbara Delcourt, L’UE Face au Défi du Kosovo: Le Droit International à l’Epreuve de l’Intégration Européenne
Fernanda Fernandez Jankov & Vesna Coric, The Legality of Uti Possidetis in the Definition of Kosovo’s Legal Status
Tarcisio Gazzini, Junior Partners or Real Actors: Participation of Central and Eastern Europe in Military Interventions and Peacekeeping Operations in Afghanistan and Iraq
Peter Kovacs, A propos de la légitimité des relations directes entre l’Etat-parent et la minorité voisine
Mercedes Guinea Llorente, Tales of ‘Civilisation’: Transfer of Values Through the Eastern Neighbourhood Policy
Enrico Milano, The Doctrine(s) of Non-Recognition: Theoretical Underpinnings and Policy Implications in Dealing with De Facto Regimes
Zoran Oklopcic, Eight Theses on Self-Determination: From Self-Determination of Peoples to Principles of Polity-Formation?
Efthymios Papastavridis, Interception of Human Beings on the High Seas Under the Law of the Sea Convention
Ann Pauwels, The New Peacekeepers: Central and Eastern Europe in UN and NATO Actions Beyond Europe
Aniko Raisz, Transfer of Values as to the Regional Human Rights Tribunals
Daphné Richemond, The New Peacekeepers? Private Military Companies and the Future of Peacekeeping Operations
Rene Uruena, Beyond a Matter of Rights: The UN’s 1267 Committee and the Hidden Role of international Law in Anti-Terrorist Policy
ESIL Research Forum:
Jessica Almqvist, Rethinking Security and Human Rights in the Struggle against Terrorism
Noah Birkhäuser, Sanctions of the Security Council against Individuals – Some Human Rights Problems
Jean d’Aspremont, Les administrations internationales de territoire et la creation internationale d’etats democratiques
Shujie Feng, La mise en œuvre des décisions de l’ORD en matière de propriété intellectuelle par les pays en développement
Agnes Hurwitz, Toward Enhanced Legitimacy of Rule of Law Programs in Multidimensional Peace Operations
Jörg Kammerhofer, Unearthing structural uncertainty through neo-Kelsenian consistency: Conflicts of norms in international law
Haroldo Machado Filho, Looking for Adequate Tools for the Enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Compliance Procedures and Mechanisms
Owen McIntyre, The Role of Customary Rules and Principles in the Environmental Protection of Shared International Freshwater Resources
Georg Nolte, The ICJ Advisory Opinion and Its Wider Implications for International Law
Karsten Nowrot, New Approaches to the International Legal Personality of Multinational Corporations. Towards a Rebuttable Presumption of Normative Responsibilities
Luis Peral, EU Protection Scheme for Refugees in the Region of Origin: Problems of Conditionality and Coherence
Ana Peyró Llopis, Le mécanisme d’observance du Protocole de Kyoto : un mécanisme de contrôle dur au sein d’un instrument flexible
Catherine Phuong, Identifying States’ Responsibilities towards Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Emanuele Rebasti, Luisa Vierucci, A Legal Status for NGOs in Contemporary International Law?
Carsten Stahn, Accountability And Legitimacy In Practice: Lawmaking By Transitional Administrations
Ana Filipa Vrdoljak, Minorities, Cultural Rights and the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Inaugural Conference:
Milagros Álvarez, European Security and Defence Policy in the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe : Some New Events
Nicole Bjerler, Do Europeans have a right to environment?
Ivan Boev, Droit Europeen des minorites et evolution des principes generaux du droit international
Basak Cali,How would you like your ‘legal change’ done today, Madam?
Aristotle Constantinides, An Overview of Legal Restraints on Security Council Chapter VII Action with a Focus on Post-Conflict Iraq
Gabriele Della Morte, Les Tribunaux penaux internationaux et les references a leur propre jurisprudence : autoritas rerum similiter judicarum?
Katharina Gamharter, Access to Affordable Medicines and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic – Facing a New Challenge in International Security Law
Chiara Giorgetti, Fulfilling International Obligations by International Organizations in the Absence of State Control
Lorenzo Gradoni, Nullem Crimen Sine Consuetudine: A Few Observations on how the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia has been Identifying Custom
Klara Kanska, The Normative Force of Decisions of International Organizations
Elena Katselli, Countermeasures by Non-Injured States in the Law on State Responsibility
Vittorio Mainetti, Des crimes contre le patrimoine culturel? Reflexions a propos de la criminalisationinternationale des atteinte aux biensculturels
Balázs Majtényi, Where are they heading? The situation of the Roma minority in Hungarian and International law
Enrico Milano, State Responsibility in Territorial Disputes before the ICJ
Gjylbehare Murati, The Independence of the Judiciary and its Role in the Protection of Human Rights under UN Administration Using the Case of Kosovo
Natalia Ochoa-Ruiz, Esther Salamanca-Aguado, The contribution of the ICJ judgement of 6 November 2003 in the case concerning OIL PLATFORMS (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN V UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) to international law on the use of force in self-defence
Catrin Pekari, Human Rights in the Information Society
Carmela Pérez Bernárdez, Changes and Developments in the Law of International Organisations as a Consequence of the Appearance of the European Community and the European Union as Subjects of International Law : the Right of Participation
Maria Fernanda Pérez Solla, The Notion of international responsibility : a ‘classic’ in times of change?
Dirk Pulkowski, Narratives of Fragmentation International Law between Unity and Multiplicity
Akbar Rasulov, The Structure of the International Legal Discourse
Lilian Richieri Hanania, International commercial rules on the exchange of cultural goods and services
Nils Rosemann, New perspectives of accountability – the merging concept of corporate responsibilities with regard to human rights
Ben Saul, Three Reasons for Defining and Criminalizing Terrorism
Francesco Sindico, Unravelling the Trade and Environment Debate through Sustainable Development Law Principles
Mirko Sossai, UN SC RES. 1373(2001) and international law-making : a transformation in nature of the legal obligations for the fight against terrorism
Carsten Stahn, Jus ad Bellum – Jus in Bello…Jus Post Bellum : Towards a tripartite conception of armed conflict
Ruth Abril Stoffels, Le rôle des Tribunaux pénaux internationaux pour le Rwanda et pour l’ex-Yougoslavie dans la sanction du viol et d’autres aggressions sexuelles graves comme crimes internationaux
Pavel Sturma, International Criminal Court at a Crossroads or in an Impasse? Some Obstacles Related to the Jurisdiction and Cooperation
Tijana Surlan, Ne bis in idem in conjunction with the principle of complementarity in the Rome Statute
Vincent Tomkiewicz, Regards au-delà de la fonction juridictionnelle de l’Organe d’appel de l’OMC : l’apport à la légitimité du mécanisme de règlement des différends
Christina Voigt, Conflicts and Convergence in Climate Change and Trade Law : The Role of the Principle of Sustainable Development
Ales Weingerl, Definition of Unilateral Acts of States