Winter School “Human Rights as a Horizontal Issue in EU External Policy”

The University of Bologna has organised, in cooperation with the Fondation René Cassin – International Institute of Human Rights (Strasbourg) and the Higher School of Economics (Moscow), the international Winter School:
“Human Rights as a Horizontal Issue in EU External Policy”.
The training will be held at the School of Political Science, University of Bologna (Forlì campus) from the 9th to the 13th of January 2017. The Winter School will focus on the EU’s external policy and its role in the promotion and respect of human rights worldwide through specific sessions: The EU External Action and Human Rights; The EU and the UN; The EU and the CoE; “Developing” Human Rights-based Relations; Priorities in a Human Rights External Strategy, including migration.
The program and the application form are available at:
Deadline for application: 2 December 2016.
More information may be asked at the following email address: