ESIL Prague-Nottingham Symposium Non-UN Sanctions and International Law

ESIL Prague-Nottingham Symposium: Non-UN Sanctions and International Law
The overall topic of the symposium is Non-UN Sanctions and International Law. The idea is to consider various aspects of sanctions adopted outside the UN context, by individual States, groups of States, regional organizations or other actors. The focus of the Prague event: the legality and legitimacy of Non-UN Sanctions. The focus of the Nottingham event: the legitimacy, effectiveness and impact of Non-UN Sanctions.
The second one-day event of the Symposium will take place on 10 November 2017 in Nottingham. (The Call for Papers is now closed).
Further information and registration:
The first one-day event of the Symposium took place in Prague on 5 May 2017. The symposium was co-organized by the Centre for International Law of the Institute of International Relations in Prague, the Czech Republic, and the Nottingham International Law and Security Centre of the University of Nottingham, the United Kingdom. The Prague event was kindly hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in the splendid venues of the baroque Czernin Palace in the vicinity of the Prague Castle. PROGRAMME OF THE PRAGUE EVENT