ESIL-sponsored event Paris Seminar in International Law

ESIL-sponsored event: Paris Seminar in International Law – General Principles and the Coherence of International Law
Organised under the auspices of the University of Bologna – School of Law, KU Leuven – Centre for Global Governance Studies, and University of Oslo – Faculty of Law.
Organising Committee
Mads Andenæs, Giuseppe Bianco, Ludovica Chiussi, Johann Ruben Leiss, Attila Tanzi and Jan Wouters
What role do general principles of law play in today’s international legal order? Can these general principles contribute – and if so, how and to what extent – to ensuring the coherence of international law, given the rapid developments in the many sub-fields of the latter? What interactions are there between general principles at international, regional, and national levels?
The seminar will address the contribution of general principles to the coherence of international law. It will bring together several high-level experts from academia and practice to discuss: (i) the relationship between general principles and the other sources of international law; (ii) the interactions between general principles as a source of international law and the role of general principles in national and regional legal orders, such as EU law; (iii) the specific role which general principles play in three selected sub-fields of international law, namely international investment law, international environmental law and international human rights law.
The seminar will be held in English and French.
Date: 23-24 March 2017
Venue: Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme
190, Avenue de France, 75013 Paris
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