ESIL IG on Peace and Security Call for Papers “Solidarity and the Promotion of Peace and Security”

ESIL IG on Peace and Security Call for Papers: “Solidarity and the Promotion of Peace and Security”
The ESIL Interest Group on Peace and Security will submit a proposal for a panel on “Solidarity and the Promotion of Peace and Security” during the 13th ESIL Annual Conference in Naples (7 – 9 September 2017). The ESIL IGPS proposal fits perfectly into the overall thematic setting of the conference in Naples (‘Global Public Goods, Global Commons and Fundamental Values: The Responses of International Law’), by focusing in an innovative way on the concept of “solidarity” as applied in the field of peace and security.
In an interconnected and interdependent world, the attainment of security requires global coordinated action. The security of each state needs to take into account the security of other states and of the international system as a whole. Solidarity is thus critical in attaining peace and security and underpins the UN system of collective security.
This panel will invite papers that address the following questions: 1. What is the nature and what are the ethical foundations of the principle of solidarity? 2. What are the implications of the constitutional reading of the principle of solidarity? 3. What specific responsibilities are attached to the principle of solidarity? 4. How does solidarity contribute to the effective realisation of public goods? 5. What are the specific expressions of solidarity in the fields of jus ad bellum and jus in bello (for example collective self-defense, intervention by invitation, R2P, protection of civilians in times of armed conflict….) and what are the related legal problems?
Application Process
Please submit an abstract in PDF (in English or French) of no more than 800 words by 24:00 of 16 January 2017 (London-UK time) to:;;
Applicants will be informed of the selection committee’s decision no later than 27 January 2017.
The proposal will then be submitted by the ESIL IGPS coordinating Committee to the organisers of the Naples Conference by 31 January 2017.
The following information must be provided with each abstract:
- The author’s name and affiliation;
- The author’s brief CV, including a list of relevant publications;
- The author’s contact details, including email address and phone number.
Only one abstract per author will be considered.
Evaluation criteria: Abstracts will be selected for inclusion, on the basis of following criteria: 1) their alignment with the panel description and objectives; 2) the overall coherence of the panel, and 3) the general criteria according to the ESIL Conference Call for Papers. Submissions in both English and French, the two official languages of the Society, are welcome.
Yours truly,
Théodore Christakis, Paulina Starski and Nicholas Tsagourias
Call for Papers