Published quarterly, the ESIL newsletter gives our members information about latest events, publications, and the life of the Society more generally. Each newsletter also features an op-ed by a leading academic or practitioner about recent events in the field of international law. Past issues of our newsletter are available below.

ESIL Newsletter – Winter 2022

This month’s guest editorial: “Soft Codification and Hard Law” by Enzo Cannizzaro

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ESIL Newsletter – Autumn 2021

This month’s guest editorial: “The Proper Use of Sovereignty” by Alain Pellet

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ESIL Newsletter – Summer 2021

This month’s guest editorial: “Maintaining outer space as a sphere of international cooperation” by Aslan Abashidze

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ESIL Newsletter Spring 2021

This month’s guest editorial: “Rebooting Global Trade Governance to Bolster Environmental Sustainability” by Harro van Asselt

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ESIL Newsletter January 2021

This month’s guest editorial: “Rule of Law on a menu?” by Vasilka Sancin

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ESIL Newsletter September 2020

This month’s guest editorial: “Borrowing from Multilateral Environmental Agreements to Strengthen the Effectiveness of the International Health Regulations (2005): Time for an IHR Compliance Committee?” by Stefania Negri

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ESIL Newsletter June 2020

This month’s guest editorial: “Addressing Climate Change in the Post-Covid World” by Lavanya Rajamani.

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ESIL Newsletter March 2020

This month’s guest editorial: “Trump’s Legacy in International Law?” by Marcin Menkes

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ESIL Newsletter January 2020

This month’s guest editorial: ‘Where has all the power gone?’ by Kerstin Von der Decken

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ESIL Newsletter October 2019

This month’s guest editorial: ‘The continuation and adaptation of multilateralism’ by Yves Daudet.

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