Giulio Bartolini
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Full professor of international law at Roma Tre University, where he is also Director of the IHL Legal Clinic, and lecturer at the Geneva Academy. Director Centre for Studies and Research/Hague Academy (2024).
He appreciates collaborative activities, being: Editor-in-Chief Yearbook of International Disaster Law (Brill), Editor of Questions of International Law; editor of the volumes A History of International Law in Italy (OUP), Routledge Handbook of HRs and Disasters, and the forthcoming Legal Clinics and International Law (ESIL Series) and International Law and Crises (Hague Academy Centre Series); scientific coordinator IFRC Disaster Law Database.
He intertwines academia with practitioners’ activities: Judge of the NATO Mission Appeals Tribunal; President IHL Committee, Italian Red Cross; Coordinator Italian MoD Military Manual on international law; Consultant Italian MFA Legal Service; Assistant ILC SR; or by engaging with humanitarian stakeholders through my clinic (ICRC; Geneva Call; IFRC; Amnesty; ELSC…).