The European Society of International Law offers travel grants to encourage and facilitate attendance at its Annual Conferences, Research Fora, and other events. Travel grants are awarded to speakers or chairs at ESIL events. ESIL travel grants are a contribution to the expenses of attending the ESIL event, and can cover the cost of travel (flights, trains, etc.) and/or accommodation.


DEADLINES for submission of applications:

  • 2024 ESIL Annual Conference in Vilnius: deadline = 15 June 2024
  • 2025 ESIL Research Forum in Catania: deadline = 20 January 2025


Current ESIL members who are chairs or speakers at one of these ESIL events:

  • Annual Conference
  • Research Forum
  • ESIL joint event
  • ESIL Interest Group workshop on the occasion of an Annual Conference. (Note: chairs and speakers at Interest Group workshops can receive a travel grant only if they also attend the Annual Conference).

You can only apply for a grant if you are a current ESIL member. 

New members who submit grant applications must have joined ESIL for the first time before the deadline for the Call for Papers for the event.

You can only apply for a grant if you are not receiving financial support from your institution or any other organization to attend this event.
You can only receive one travel grant per calendar year.

Points System

If there are more applications than available grants, the Selection Committee will use a points system based on the following criteria:

  • Status on programme (speaker /chair)
  • Commitment, if practicable, to travel by train or other forms of  public/collective transport on land, if less than 6 hours of travel (each way) between the venue and the place of departure of the applicant.
  • Financial circumstances (priority given to applicants who clearly demonstrate the need for financial assistance)
  • Career stage (priority given to early-career scholars)
  • Gender balance
  • Contribution to ESIL (priority given to applicants who have demonstrated special engagement with ESIL)
  • Past awards (priority given to applicants who have not previously been awarded a travel grant)

Value of Awards

The exact value of the travel grant will be decided on the basis of the available funds and following the evaluation of each application in line with the criteria listed above.

Application Procedure

  • Submit your application form and a brief cv to: with the subject line ESIL Travel Grant application / your surname before the stated deadline. (See above for deadlines).
  • You will be notified of the decision within one month of the deadline.
  • You will receive the grant by bank transfer after the event. Please keep your travel documents as you will need to upload all requested information (travel documents, and complete bank details) to the EUI reimbursement platform within one month after the event.


Read the ESIL Statement on Greening ESIL.